So, last night, the circle of women I belong to, got together to celebrate the first of the harvest celebrations, Lammas. Being that we all live in the metro-Atlanta area, and everyone is so busy, not all of us can make it to every shindig. And that's cool. It's sorta how we operate, no pressure, no demerits if you can't make it. We are all women and we all understand that life happens.
So last night there were 3 of us, not counting the myriad of children. My Herd wasn't there as they are with dad until Monday night, so the myriad was smaller than norm.
So myself, Pandora and Dionnah came together and we made about 14 loaves of bread. We drank tea, we laughed and we cried. We shared as women, as friends, and as sisters.
We baked our intentions for our own 'harvests' into some of the loaves. Later, sitting on the front porch and surrounded by the encroaching darkness and burgeoning crickets, we shared a short prayer and a loaf of bread.
More guest bloggers, starting tomorrow, but for now, some pictures from last night!
Ohhhhhhhhhh, I can smell that bread! How lovely for girlfriends to laugh and bake! I loved this! ~Kim